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Here you'll be able to explore the writing I've done over the course of the semester. And as a special treat, I've included a blog I kept in 2013 while studying abroad in France. On this page specifically, you'll find a brief introduction to each project. From there, CLICK THE PROJECT TITLE TO VIEW THE ACTUAL WORK. Also, you can use the tabs above to skip to the introduction of a specific project of interest.


Project 1: Why I Write


In this project, we were prompted to respond to the statement - wait for it - "why I write". Through my writing, I deeply investigate the motives behind my writing, and conclude that it will ultimately lead to my greater purpose in life. Prepare for some deep introspection and existensialism.


If I had to choose a picture to sum up this essay, it would be this:















I'll leave the intrepration up to your imagination.



Project 2: Repurposing


The point of this project was to gain a greater command over rhetorical situations, which take into account two primary components: purpose and audience. So for this project, we were given the task of adapting an original piece of writing so that it has a new purpose and appeals to a different audience.


I selected an essay I wrote in (futile) attempt to get admitted to the University of Pennsylvania. This time around, I turned the tables, acted as the reviewer, and commented on the essay in red ink. I'm working in the genre of satire, and can't say too much more without spoiling the project.




Project 3: Remediating


What does this word even mean? Well, the answer is in the name. Remediating is the process by which one takes a piece of writing and switches it to another medium. So for Project 3, we had to remediate our final product from Project 2. I chose to make a "How to Write an Awesome College Essay" Prezi. The genre is still satire, and my purpose hasn't changed, but the medium is obviously different.



Travel Blog!


For May-June 2013, I studied abroad in Grenoble, France and kept a blog to document my adventures. At that point in my life, I was not much of a reader, and in turn, not much of a writer, so I don't think the blog is my best work from a stylistic standpoint. Nonetheless, it's an easy, fun read that tells some really awesome stories. It also shows how far I've come as a writer.


Believe it or not, the "My First Day" post is the best place to start. 


Picture to sum up the blog:























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